

Make Your Life DifficultDirector's Cut | Client: Granada F.C. | Agency: Sra. Rushmore |  Director: Paco



UNLEASH THE CHAOS (Bad Barista) Director's Cut | Client: TEVA London |  Director: Paco


"Sine Metu" Director’s Cut | Client: Jameson| Agency: The Hotel | Director: Mamede




AGEAS - Director's Cut | Agency: HAVAS World Wide | Client: AGEAS | Director: Paco


ADS OF THE WORLD front page
Unexpected Biography // A project that make us very proud to be part of.

We are very honored to announce that our project for Apav and Havas is out there. With the Support of Penguin Random House, we were able to publish our first book. The Book was written by João Tordo and tells the story of a hacker obsessed by the personal life of his victims. The project wants to raise awareness about the dangerous of the personal information that we post on social networks. The result is a BOOK and a CASE STUDY FILM.

BOOK + CASE STUDY FILM  Unexpected Biography
Agency: Havas World Wide
Client: APAV
Support: Penguin Editorial
Book: João Tordo
Director: Paco

Fresh News (COMPAL Essential+)We are very proud to announce that our first MAJOR WEST film it's going out on the next number of LURZER ARCHIVE!!! Check it out!

News from the UK:  Comedy and Chaos, a fun combination that our director Paco has brought to us from London. Botton Line: Never Trust a Hipster Barista!


Client: TEVA London
Director: Paco




News on it´s way! Temos o orgulho de apresentar o primeiro projecto MAJOR WEST! Como diria Neil Armstrong se pudesse ver o filme: “it was one small step for man, but one giant leap for MAJOR WEST”. Não conseguimos encontrar melhores palavras do que aquelas usadas pelos editores da prestigiada revista David Reviews sobre o filme:
“A bright, modern approach serves this product well.”

COMPAL Essencial 45"
Agência: Y&R
Central Produção: João Carriço, Film Brokers
Cliente: Sumol+Compal
Realizador: Paco

News on it´s way! We are proud to present our first MAJOR WEST project! “it was one small step for man, but one giant leap for MAJOR WEST”. We couldn’t find better words than the ones from the David Reviews editors to describe our feelings about it:    “A bright, modern approach serves this product well.”

COMPAL Essential + (English Version)
Agency: Y&R
Central Production: João Carriço, Film Brokers
Client: Sumol+Compal
Director Paco